Monday, March 31, 2025

Potential Benefits and Risks of Mewing

The fundamental idea of Mewing is it allows you to modify the form of your jawline if you think about where you place your tongue within your mouth. It is also claimed that it can aid sleep apnea, sinusitis, and other disorders.

Mewing’s ideas stem from the research conducted by British dentist John Mew, currently at the age of 90. His son, along with the other orthodontist Michael Mew, promotes a type of orthodontics known as “orthotropic” that focuses on “jaw posture,” including retraining the tongue’s position.

The British General Dental Council recently stripped Michael Mew of his dental license. Mew of his dentist license.

John, along with Michael Mew, did not coin the concept of “mewing.” It stems from an online trend among people who want to improve the look of their jawlines by utilizing ideas from orthotropic. It was initially designed for children whose jaws continue to grow.

How Do You Do It?

Instructions are different. However, the fundamentals appear to include the following:

  • Close your lips.
  • Adjust your jaw to ensure that your front teeth are directly in front of your upper front teeth.
  • Make sure you cover the inside of the mouth by using the tongue.
  • Put the edge of your tongue in front of your teeth with your tongue not touching.

Some claim that you can locate the proper position if you attempt to make an “ng” sound, as in “thing” or “wing.” Others suggest you concentrate on breathing through your nose, not your mouth.

How To Do Mewing (The Technique)?

One of the most exciting aspects of Mewing is that it does not need expensive equipment or money. The price you pay for Mewing is simply “looking stupid” for several reasons you want to make Mews during your working day.

If you’re looking to start Mewing, here’s an easy guide:

  1. Maintain your mouth shut and your teeth lightly touching.
  2. Bring your tongue toward the top of your mouth and then gently press it.
  3. You may feel a bit of pressure in your jaw.
  4. Make sure not to hinder your airway while you breathe.
  5. Use this as often as you can.

It is best to try this at home whenever you’re not doing other tasks. It’s the same as improving posture. Many consider this to be an ideal tongue position. This means that you might require assistance from a tool or a focus; however, if you do it regularly, you’ll eventually discover that it’s done automatically.

Mewing In The Preceding And Following Images Is Not Reliable.

YouTube videos, in addition to many before and after photos, can sometimes convince viewers to believe that Mewing is effective. But, it’s crucial to be aware that these sources sometimes prove unreliable.

Online tutorials typically include a few months or weeks of practicing Mewing, not the years of instruction required. In addition, photos can be misleading due to the lighting and shadows. The angle at which individuals in the pictures pose their heads could create a more distinct jawline.

More research in clinical trials is required to assess the effectiveness of Mewing.

Are There Risks?

Yes. Your jawline is an intricate machine. It isn’t possible to alter it without impacting other components.

If you achieve success in adjusting your jawline or the position of your jaw’s lower part for any amount of time.

The process may result in other issues that could include:

  • The misalignment of teeth.
  • An incorrect alignment of the lower and upper jaw.
  • Infection or pain on the hinge of your jaw (TMJ pain).
  • Chipped or loose teeth (from improper alignment or pressure).

Try any adjustments to how you use your jaw with the help of a dentist or an orthodontist. Consult them before you make any changes to your routine.

Is Mewing Effective?

There is no evidence to suggest that Mewing can alter your appearance. Furthermore, no peer-reviewed and credible research on how Mewing affects you has been conducted.

John Mew has said that his children are proof. His daughter, fed soft food until she was four years old, and never taught Mewing, was crooked with her teeth and facial misalignment. Mike Mew, on the contrary, was taught Mewing and to eat a variety of rough food with a square, strong jaw.

In all honesty, there are some nuggets in the concerns Mews have raised. Research has shown that the jaws of humans are getting smaller. This is linked to health issues such as jaw breathing, teeth that are crooked, and sleep apnea.

Researchers have identified “oral posture”–the location of the tongue and teeth–to jaw development.4 The solutions researchers suggest are similar to those proposed by the Mews support.

Researchers have found that eating more stifling foods, particularly in childhood, may help improve the jaw’s development and chewing gum. They also suggest exercises for swallowing and breathing to encourage dental development among children.

The American Association of Orthodontists notes that proper tongue alignment could modify your facial structure; however, Mewing alone isn’t the answer.6 It is best to speak with a doctor instead of trying to fix the problem yourself.

Mewing Controversy

Most orthodontists focus on issues such as aligning the teeth or correcting an underbite. John Mew was more concentrated on the appearance of his patients. He began treating patients using Mewing as well as palate extenders.

This is considered an aversion to more traditional orthodontic methods like braces.

But that’s not the end of the story. Mewing is associated with the incel (or involuntary celibate) movement. It is an online phenomenon that involves men who blame society and women for their inability to be not sexually active.

Many people within the incel movement were captivated by Mews when a clip featuring Mew Mew speaking was shared on an online message board for incel in 2014.

Mew began engaging with board members and many people seeking to improve their sexual condition by improving their appearance.

In the past, Mewing has had the idea that Mewing is loosely linked to a movement called the incel. But, Mewing has received more attention in popular web-based areas, and some experts argue that mewing-related concepts require more study.


Although it’s not the most dangerous option, there isn’t enough data available to back the mewing technique as a way to define your jawline. If you experience any discomforts or aesthetic concerns around the jaw area, visit your physician to discuss possible treatments.

You may still attempt Mewing, but be ready to see a need for results. As long as Mewing is not adequately studied as an orthodontic option, it’s not guaranteed to be successful.


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