Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Scars after Liposuction: Types and Treatments

Liposuction is a procedure performed to remove excess fat from our body. In some cases, this procedure causes liposuction scars. These scars will most likely look like small dots the size of a freckle.

In most cases, a scar of this size will gradually fade over six months until it is no longer visible or noticeable. In some cases, people may have discoloration at the incision site.

These scars are usually caused by incisions in the body called cannulas. As the surgeon guides these tubes to different target fat depots, the fat tissue is aspirated.

A person removing bandages for the first time after surgery may be shocked at the amount of swelling and bruising; However, this is perfectly normal as these bruises will go away on their own within a few weeks.

Most Common Types of Lipo Scars:

The most common scars after liposuction are commonly referred to as discoloration. These scars can take two forms: hyperpigmentation (dark scars) and hypopigmentation (lighter, discolored scars).

In rare cases, patients may also develop the following types of scars:

Atrophic scars:

These scars appear to have sunken into the skin and are caused by loss of fat or muscle around the incision site.

hypertrophic scars:

These scars appear to be slightly raised above the surface. However, these types of scars usually decrease over time.

keloid scar:

Keloid scars are often hard, raised, irregularly shaped patches. They also have a plain bodice and are either purple or pink.

Do liposuction scars go away?

The visible scars depend on the individual situation of each person: genetics and age of the skin. Some liposuction scars will go away completely on their own, while others may still have visible scars that will darken and become more visible.

However, the more visible scars usually fade within six months after this procedure.

There are many techniques we can use to achieve the least visible scars with the best liposuction results.

Here are some techniques that can repair or avoid liposuction scars altogether.

Non-surgical techniques for scar reduction and removal

No liposuction scar removal procedure can completely remove a scar, but it can reduce the overall appearance of any scar and make it less noticeable.

In addition, scar removal techniques can also improve other conditions, such as B. mobility in the scarred area.

After liposuction, the surgeon may advise the patient to wear compression garments on the area of ​​the body where the fat was removed.

Wearing this garment effectively reduces the risk of scars on the body after degreasing.

Application of silicone gel and silicone gel sheets

Silicone gels are another popular home remedy to reduce the appearance of liposuction scars. These gels can significantly reduce the appearance of scars when used as directed by your doctor and daily.

Chemical peels and microdermabrasion

This technique can also be used to remove layers of visible scar tissue on the patient’s skin. Instead of further surgery, these procedures can be performed in a dermatologist’s office.

The healing process after this procedure is different for everyone and the most common side effect is redness in the affected area. Multiple treatments are usually required to achieve the desired result.

liposuction scars can also be removed by cryotherapy. With this therapy, the dermatologist freezes the scars from the inside with nitrogen.

As a result, the scar begins to swell, releasing a kind of secretion in the affected area, and then disappears.

Laser Therapy

Laser Therapy is an effective technique used by doctors to break up both keloids and hypertrophic scars that appear after liposuction.
laser delivers heat to the targeted scar and also stimulates the growth of healthy cells in the affected area around the scar. Like chemical peels and microdermabrasion, this therapy may require multiple treatments to achieve desired results.

Surgery to remove scars

If a particular scar is severe and highly visible, a dermatologist will usually prefer surgery to remove the scar, but this carries the risk of further scarring.

However, many scars that form during the healing process after liposuction are not severe enough to require surgery to correct their appearance.

Patients concerned about potential scarring from liposuction should discuss their concerns with their surgeon. The surgeon may perform a physical examination of the patient to determine if liposuction scars may be forming.

In addition, the doctor can also examine the patient after the procedure to determine the size of the scars and why they do not fade naturally.

Do Liposuction Scars Go Away?

Patients who are prone to scarring after surgery can expect visible scars from liposuction, but these will fade over time, which can take anywhere from six months to a year.

Do Lipo Scars Go Away?

Lipo scar go away treatments
sheets of silicone gel and silicone gel.
Chemical peels and microdermabrasion. A dermatologist may use chemical peeling or microdermabrasion methods to remove layers of scar tissue from the skin. …
cryotherapy. …
laser therapy. …
scar removal surgery.

Can Fat Grow Back After Liposuction?

Once fat cells have been removed by liposuction, those cells cannot grow back and we cannot create new fat cells. In adulthood we have a fixed number of fat cells. However, our remaining fat cells can grow and shrink as we gain or lose weight.

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