Home Health Reasons Why People Don’t Meditate And Ways to Overcome Them

Reasons Why People Don’t Meditate And Ways to Overcome Them

Reasons Why People Don’t Meditate And Ways to Overcome Them

Nowadays, meditation is becoming increasingly popular as it has numerous benefits, such as decreased stress and improved psychological well-being. However, many people need help to establish a regular meditation practice.

In this blog post, we will explore the common obstacles people usually experience when trying to meditate and ways to overcome them. We hope that by the end of this post, you will have the confidence and knowledge to begin and sustain your meditation journey.

Overcome the Temptation of Procrastination

One of the most common barriers to meditation is the temptation to procrastinate. This usually happens when it comes to starting a meditation practice, as it can seem like a daunting task.

However, you can overcome this problem with a few simple strategies. Begin by setting realistic goals and break them into smaller, more achievable tasks. This will make it easier for you to stick to your goal, even if it may initially seem challenging.

Additionally, try to use positive reinforcement and reward yourself for completing each task. This will motivate you to keep going and eventually establish a regular habit.

Develop the Habit of Regular Meditation Practice

Making regular meditation part of your daily routine is one of the best things you can do for your mental health. It effectively helps reduce stress and anxiety and encourages mindfulness and self-awareness, which can help you make better decisions and stay focused in the present moment.

However, establishing and maintaining a regular meditation practice can take time and effort, especially if you have a busy lifestyle. To help you get started, it’s essential to set realistic goals and create a consistent schedule for yourself.

Reduce the Noise of Distractions

One of the biggest obstacles in the meditation journey is the constant noise of distractions. From the sound of your phone buzzing in the other room to the constant chirping of birds outside.

It can be challenging to focus when so much is vying for your attention. To combat this, try to reduce the noise of distractions in your environment.

Identify and Manage Anxiety

Anxiety can be a significant factor in preventing people from engaging in meditation. Several factors, such as stress, poor diet, lack of physical activity, and overworking, can cause it.

To manage anxiety, it’s essential to identify the source of the anxiety and then create a plan to address it. This plan should include factors like getting adequate sleep, eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly, and learning relaxation techniques.

Additionally, seeking professional help, such as counseling or cognitive behavioral therapy, may also prove to be beneficial. With the right plan, individuals can learn to manage their anxiety and, in turn, make this a regular part of their life.

Learn the Basics of Mindfulness

One of the reasons many individuals find it challenging to meditate is that they need to become more familiar with the basics of mindfulness. Fortunately, mindfulness is a simple concept to grasp.

It is a way to pay attention to the present moment and to be aware of your thoughts, feelings, or physical sensations. Learning the basics of mindfulness can provide you with the foundation and skills needed to establish a meditation practice.


Understand and Overcome the Challenge of Boredom

One of the most common challenges faced by those looking to start a meditation practice is boredom. After all, you are simply sitting and focusing on your breath during meditation, so it can be difficult to stay attentive and not drift off. The key to overcoming this challenge is to engage your mind in the process.

Rather than simply letting the thoughts come and go, focus on the physical sensations and mental states that arise with each breath.

Establish and Maintain a Consistent Routine

Establishing and maintaining a consistent routine is essential for successful meditation. We are creatures of habit, and sticking to a routine is one of the best ways to ensure we meditate daily.

It can be as simple as setting aside 20 minutes of your day for meditation each day or making it part of your morning routine.

Additionally, it’s important to remind yourself why you’re making this effort and why it’s important to you. Keeping a journal or writing in a meditation log can help you stay focused and motivated to stick to your routine.


In conclusion, It can be a powerful tool to bring clarity and relaxation into your life. However, many people face challenges and distractions when establishing a regular practice.

But with a better understanding of the familiar sources of resistance, you can find ways to overcome them and make meditation a part of your daily routine.ย 


How Many Ways Are There to Meditate?

There are many ways of meditation, including mindfulness, body scan, visualization, mantra, and movement-based practices such as yoga and tai chi.

Is There Any Negative Impact of Meditation?

While meditation is generally considered safe and has many potential benefits, there can be some negative effects for some people, especially when practiced improperly or without proper guidance. Here are some possible negative impacts of meditation:

  • Emotional Discomfort: It can bring up uncomfortable emotions and thoughts that can be difficult to deal with, especially for people with past traumas or mental health conditions. This is why it’s important to practice meditation under the guidance of a trained teacher or therapist.ย 
  • Physical Discomfort: Sitting for extended periods of time in certain positions can cause physical discomfort or pain, such as back pain or knee pain. Therefore, it’s important to find a comfortable meditation posture and take breaks when needed.

Can Meditation Worsen Anxiety?

Meditation can worsen anxiety for some individuals, particularly if they have underlying mental health conditions. Thatโ€™s why it’s important to find the right type of meditation and seek guidance from a qualified therapist.