Home Nutrition Tofu: Benefits, Nutrition and Types

Tofu: Benefits, Nutrition and Types

Tofu: Benefits, Nutrition and Types

Tofu is a type of food that we get from the coagulation of soy milk. It is also known as a bean curd. There are various varieties of Tofu that you can enjoy in multiple forms.

It has a place in various types of dishes. People usually add it to food items like sauces, purees, and smoothies.

In addition to that, it can also be used as homemade ice cream. Raw tofu has relatively low calories and minimizes the need for oils or fats that might be added during common cooking recipes.

In this article, we will discover the health benefits of it and the ways you can eat this protein-rich food.

What is Baked Tofu?

Crispy baked it is a great egg substitute. It is used in a number of recipes that require a lot of eggs, such as custards or quiches. It is typically available in cellophane-wrapped packages and is a ready-to-eat meal.

You can also combine this nutritional food item with other ingredients in several other dishes. It has less water in its composition, and baked tofu is higher in protein, with an average of 15 to 18 grams per serving.

Baked tofu is considered a healthy vegetarian food. Moreover, because of being low in fats, it also proves beneficial for our heart health.

Nutrition Facts:

It is a high-protein, cholesterol-free, and low-calorie food item. It can help people lose weight because of being low in fats.

Eating Tofu in any form will make you feel fuller for longer periods on fewer calories than meat. When swapped for high-cholesterol, animal proteins, it might also reduce the risk of heart disease.

Tofu Carbs:

It contains:

  • Calories: 78.
  • Protein: 8.7 grams.
  • Fat: 4 grams.
  • Fiber: 0.8 grams.
  • Carbs: 2 grams.
  • Sugars: 0.3 grams.

It also contains all the essential amino acids our body requires for proper functioning. It is rich in vitamins and minerals, including iron, manganese, Vitamin A, and calcium.

It and other soy foods can also act as primary sources of isoflavones. Those flavonoids, plant-created chemicals, are linked with numerous health benefits.

How is It Made?

It is prepared from fresh or dried soybeans. The soybeans are soaked, crushed, and boiled in water. Then, it is strained and separated into solid pulp and liquid. Generally, after straining, calcium or magnesium is added to set the liquid.

This process is quite similar to cottage cheese curdled from cowโ€™s milk. The curds are then pressed into white blocks. The consistency or firmness, it is usually dependent on the amount of liquid that has been pressed out of these curds.


It is categorized by its firmness or texture, and the water content in its composition determines its texture. The more water it contains, the softer it will be. On the other hand, less water makes tofu firmer and harder.

There are various types:

1. Regular Tofu

It with a regular type of texture is primarily used in Asian dishes. It is a little more compact but still soft on the inside.

Regular tofu is often added in recipes for making noodles and stews because it easily soaks up the flavors of broths and sauces.

2. Silken Tofu

It has an extremely soft and creamy texture. It is prepared in a similar process to regular block tofu, but the soy milk is coagulated without curdling.

It is also left unpressed so it can retain all of its moisture while cooling. It is commonly used in the making of smoothies, cheesecakes, dips or even ravioli fillings.

3. Firm Tofu

Out of all the types of it, firm Tofu is widely preferred and is readily available in supermarkets.

This form of Tofu is quite compact and is usually packaged and soaked in liquid. Moreover, it does not crumble, which makes it easier to chop.

Types of Tofu

Health Benefits:

It consists of a variety of health benefits. It is a plant-based food, rich in protein, and contributes to our overall well-being.

It also lowers the risk of various health conditions, such as obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases.

In addition to that, it can also improve our skin and hair and help boost energy.

Recent research has also linked this protein-based food to a lowered risk of a number of age- and lifestyle-related diseases.


Is Tofu Good For You To Lose Weight?

It is a cholesterol-free food that can help you maintain a healthy weight. Swapping it for other animal-based saturated fats can also help people who want to lose weight.

It is high in protein and also rich in manganese and calcium.

How Many Calories are there in 100g of Tofu Protein?

Nutritionally, 100g of Tofu contains 76 calories with 8.5g of protein, 3g of carbs, 0.8g of saturated fat, and 2g of fiber.

What Does Tofu Taste Like?

It usually contains no particular flavor and is quite bland. But this characteristic of tofu makes it so great.

It easily absorbs other flavors; therefore, it is added to the recipes of various foods. Moreover, the type of texture of this protein-rich food is more important than its taste